SMS (Short Message Service) is a text message that can be received or transmitted
from your cell phone with the maximum length as 160 characters. It enhances productivity
as staff have instant access to business critical information from any location
and are able to act upon it immediately. SMS today has vast potential interms of

Bay Talkitec's SMS Server is a very robust system that can with ease accommodate
itself in various areas. It is a value addition to a contact center where customers
can avail support and clarifications through short messaging. Messages can pop up
on the agent's desktop and the agent can reply with required details or there can
be an auto reply performed by the system.
By adding Fax and E-mail server to the SMS server you can build a media server which
works as a stand alone system or which can be integrated in a contact center environment.
- SMS Scripting Tool for user customized Service/Campaign Management.
- Remote Customer Database Connectivity.
- Security/Privileged Access.
- Receive SMS requests via E-Mail.
- Forward SMS via E-Mail.
- Send Responses and Files to an E-Mail Box.
- Offers Auto Reply feature.
- Offers Inbound and Outbound messaging services.
- Has data import and export facility for outbound messaging.
- Supports high rate of message transmission and reception.
- Interface can be;
- GSM Modem
- MAP using CCS7
- Handset on serial communication.
- GSM Modem
- CCS7 signalling card.
- Easy to integrate and flexible.
- Media value addition to a contact center deployment.
Enhance your existing IVR with SMS interaction module...
Today customers would like to avail the services even through SMS. The SMS service
makes enquiry easy and faster than voice call & internet.
- Subscriber will send the SMS to our complaint booking application, PC receives the
SMS using mobile communication unit.
- PC processes the received SMS and forms the reply message.
- PC sends reply message as SMS using the mobile communication unit.
- Enhances your existing IVR at minimum cost.
- Subscriber will never get the busy tone and no response problem.
- Message can be stored in the mobile phone itself.
- The application is not case sensitive, message can be sent in any format.
- Makes your service available round the clock.
- User can access the system from anywhere (no STD charges) at minimal cost.
- Information is not lost even if the system is down (The SMS messages are retrieved
as soon as the system is restored).
- Flexibility to suit the customer's needs.
- Satisfies the needs of large client base.
- 100% connection to the system is assured.
- Total customer satisfaction.
- Adaptable to future requirements.