Bay Talkitec Video Gateway gives an excellent opportunity for Content Providers to publish videos, multimedia downloads and Interactive applications. By providing a payment gateway, Bay Talkitec can provide content providers end to end solution for subscription based services. We provide a one stop shop for mobile content distribution. The video gateway is highly interactive and ideal for Live Contest, Video blogging, Video Portal, Mobile Entertainment.
Bay Talkitec's IVVR and Video Portal A video portal can move far beyond the previous generation's voice portal technology, supplying rich and informative video content to subscribers anytime, anywhere on their cell phones / IP Video phones. The list of choices seems endless: sports clips, stock market information, fashion news, up-to-the minute traffic and weather reports, and coming attractions for the latest films with the ability to buy the tickets and add restaurant reservations for the night on town. As video enabled cell phones became ubiquitous , the ability to provide a video portal with the widest variety of attractive services is likely to become a key differentiator for a service provider and an important source of new revenue. IVVR adds video to your traditional IVR voice menus and provides new multimodal dimension to the caller experience.
Bay Talkitec Video Platform is an excellent platform for Mobile Marketing. Ideal platform to do interactive marketing. We take mobile video marketing to the next level.
Using Bay Talkitec Video Platform, service providers and content owners can publish videos via our unique video portal. Users can access the video via 3G video call or WAP/GPRS. This is an ideal platform for content media companies to publish and distribute content. read more